Holland Community Fest
Friday kicks off the Holland fest at 5pm with food booths open. Opening ceremonies at 6pm. This year we will have a backyard BBQ contest put on by The Wondering Dutchmen, meat check in starts at 6pm. Beer garden opens at 6 as well. As always we will have live music by One Night Stand from 8 to midnight in the beer garden sponsored by Spring Valley Bank & Trust. Saturday morning starts off with our Tulip Trot 5K & kids run at 8am. 4-H will have their Farm to table breakfast, food booths open at 10am. Also starting at 10 we have our Craft & Farmers Market. We have activities for the kids from 11 am to 2:30pm which include, kiddie tractor pull, Dutch Games, Silly Safari, Ice Cream eating contest, and bouncy houses. Rotary Club of Dubois County will be putting on a cornhole tournament starting at 1pm. The Wondering Dutchman will be presenting the winners of the Backyard BBQ contest with awards in the beer garden at 4pm. At 4:30 Ring Rocketry will have a demonstration at Henke Stadium. From 6-8 there will be live music by Danny & Wayne taking place at Henke Stadium sponsored by Branded by Woods. Beer garden opens at 6pm and from 8-midnight the band Five Under will be playing, sponsored by Blesch Brothers Equipment & Kahle Blessinger Insurance. Our half-pot drawing will take place at intermission in the beer garden. Sunday morning at 10am we have our community church service at Henke Stadium followed by The Holland American Legion Post 343 BBQ Chicken Dinners at 11am.

Firefighter's Ball
Sponsored by the Holland Volunteer Fire Department
Doors open at 5:30p.m. (ET) Meal at 6:00p.m. (ET) Music by Eighty Six from 7p.m. to midnight
Tickets are $25.00 and there is a Cash Bar
Raffle Tickets are available from any HVFD member or by calling 812.536.3331. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00
Door Prize Drawing throughout the evening

Holland Community Fest
Food booths open at 5pm Friday with Opening Ceremony at 6pm in Henke Stadium followed by the Little Miss & Mister contest, The Kid Zone will be open from 6pm to 10pm. Beer Garden opens at 6pm with Live Music from Guilty Pleasure on Friday night starting at 8pm to Midnight, and MixTape 80’s tribute band on Saturday night. Saturday morning the Tulip Trot 5K & kids run begins at 8am starting at Henke Stadium. Farm-to-Table Breakfast Saturday morning from 8am to 10am, followed by the Dutch Games from 9:30am to 10:30am on the softball field. At 10am the food booths open as well as the Craft & Farmers Market at Large shelter house till 4pm. At 10:30 am Registration for the St. Henry Jeep Run will begin at the Bungalow Bar, they will leave at 12pm from the Bungalow Bar and end at the Holland Fest. At 11am the Kiddie Tractor Pull will start and at 12pm the Ice Cream Eating Contest will be at Henke Stadium followed by Silly Safari at 1pm, then at 2pm the kid zone opens. At 5:30pm there will be a rocket demonstration by Ring Rocketry at Henke Stadium. The Beer Garden opens at 6pm with live music starting at 8pm. Food booths will close at 11pm. On Sunday at 10am there will be a Community Church service at Henke Stadium followed by Holland American Legion Dinners at 11am with the Half Pot drawing at 12pm.

Holland American Legion Post 343 Jeep Run
Jeep Run registration will be from 10:00am to 11:00am Eastern time
First Jeep out at 11:00am. There will be 3 stops at different Legions
More information to come.

Holland VFD Poker Run
Resgistration 9:00 am Eastern $10 Per Person
First Out 11:30am
Cash Prizes & Half Pot Drawing
Meet at the Firehouse and will be ending at the St. Henry Heinrichdorf Fest
Breakfast available at Legion Post 343
All Vehicles Welcome